Recipes for Baking Bread: Exploring Stories from Holodomor,
Ukraine 1932–1933.
PhD Thesis.
10 September 2021.
Eleven copies of a print and bound thesis submission for
my PhD work. This is a physical, tactile object with
fold out maps, timelines, literature reviews and drawings.
Inspiration for design for my front cover was from
Marc Atkinson. This is a concealed comb bind using
G. F. Smith Colorplan citrine stock. Design and layout
with InDesign templates is with Shyam Patel. Grids and
margins adhere to a golden ratio structure for layouts.
I use a fibonacci sequence for all typesetting. Main body
text is in Baskerville, an 18th century British font by
John Baskerville. Inspiration for this design was
from Cosmo Eggs. This is a catalogue for Japanese
pavilion artworks from Venice in 2019. Design by Yoshihisa
Tanaka. A copy of this I received from professor Simon
Morris. This is a physical object. My examination
copies, for close collaborators and one library archival
Paper Support Package:
From G. F. Smith
University of Huddersfield Print Bureau
Thanks to Sian Faulkner and Louise Corless
Design and Layouts:
Sara Nesteruk
Shyam Patel
Thanks to:
Marc Atkinson.

Recipes for Baking Bread: Jerry Berman’s Letters.
Soanyway Issue Ten: Ten Conversations.
September 2021.
One section of Recipes for Baking Bread appears in Soanyway
issue Ten: Ten Conversations. This issue explores themes of
conversation using artistic practice, music, dance,
performance, written and visual art. In my work
conversation appears through dialogue and exchange in
letters. These letters are a family collection belonging
to independent writer Alison Marshall. Letters are
from an engineer from South Africa, Jerry Berman,
who wrote to friends in London, Meyer and Sonia Fortes,
Alison’s grandparents, during Holodomor. These letters
provide first hand testimonies and witness to events in
Ukraine during 1932–1933. I organised for Alison to meet
curator Yana Grinko from the Holodomor Museum in Kyiv.
An exhibition of these letters appeared at the
museum in September 2021. My film piece was part of
this exhibition using QR codes to access work online.
A selection of these letters is now in permanent
collection at the exhibition. This Soanyway
journal edition appears in archives online at
Recipes for Baking Bread: Jerry Berman’s Letters
Design and Animation:
Sara Nesteruk
Yoni Collier
Jerry Berman’s letters to Meyer and Sonia Fortes reproduced
by permission of their grandaughter Alison Marshall.
Image references by permission of Peter Berman.
Exhibition Curation in Ukraine:
Yana Grinko.
Recipes for Baking Bread: Exploring Stories from Holodomor,
Ukraine, 1932–1933.
February 2022.
A limited edition set of postcards exploring truth and
histories surrounding Holodomor. This is a selection of
quotes, ideas, contradictions, facts and historical
materials relating to Ukraine and to storytelling. These
are presented without narrative of any kind.
Audiences can arrange, re-arrange, order and re-order
these postcards. Design for these postcards and
ideas is with Shyam Patel. Typesetting is in Baskerville
with printing on Munken Cream 300gsm card and riso
print wrapper. On one side of each postcard is a
quote and on reverse sides is a drawing of books of source
materials. This connects to my drawn bibliographies.
A limited edition set of these postcards is due for
release in early 2022 as an edition of 100. Costs to
buy are £12.00 or £14.00 with postage. These are A6
postcards size 105mm × 148mm × 9mm. Bound and
collected in 125mm × 230mm DIN glassine envelopes.
These are for sale and exchange.
Photo: Simon Weldon
Designs: Shyam Patel
Thanks to: Castlefield Gallery Associates, Christian

Recipes for Baking Bread: The New Current.
An online interview with British magazine The New
Current about Recipes for Baking Bread. In this article
I explore depth and poetry. Inspiration and works by
Samuel Beckett, Rainer Maria Rilke, Rumi, and
Svetlana Alexievich. Impact of these authors and creatives
on my practice and how their ideas manifest in Recipes
for Baking Bread. This interview coincides with
screenings from British Shorts in Berlin. This includes interviews
with filmmakers. I include my working processes, diagrams,
and storyboards, my methods, practice and personal
relationships to my work. This is a brilliant opportunity
to share ideas. This includes my original deleted
scene from The Accident exploring Holodomor, and starting
points for Recipes for Baking Bread.
The New Current:

Recipes for Baking Bread: Exploring Stories from Holodomor,
Ukraine 1932–1933.
Draw Bibliographies.
September 2021.
A collection of drawings of my PhD research and source
materials. These are drawings of books. These drawings
represent stories, people, relationships, gifts, exchanges
and ideas throughout my seven years of study. I
have a collection of these books on Instagram here.
These are visual bibliographies, accessible, sharable,
immediate and direct. This publication is on G. F. Smith
colorplan citrine 135gsm. A5 folded sheets, 10 pages per
book. These are for sale or exchange at £12.00 per copy,
£14.00 with postage. This publication is part of my
PhD submission for Recipes for Baking Bread.